Best Magazine e Flipboard il social magazine

BEST MAGAZINE e Flipboard il social magazine

Flipboard è un social news magazine gratuito che consente di aggregare le notizie preferite sulla base di scelte preordinate, preferenze e selezioni altrui: è sufficiente seguire persone o Riviste, aggiungendovi le proprie scelte personali, per avere un magazine personalizzato che mette assieme il meglio dell’informazione online per consentirne una facile consultazione.

Ogni Flip rappresenta una condivisione che va ad arricchire la trama social del servizio: l’app rappresenta una scorciatoia per fruire dell’informazione attraverso canali mobile, per i quali il servizio è stato pensato fin dal primo giorno.

L’applicazione è gratuita e disponibile per iOS, Android e Windows Phone.

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4 pensieri su “Best Magazine e Flipboard il social magazine

  1. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  2. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  3. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  4. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

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